Харківський національний економічний університет імені Семена Кузнеця

Ачкасова Світлана Анатоліївна

Name, surname Achkasova Svitlana      
Department Banking and financial services
Department’s location 305 (1)
Website of the department http://www.fin.hneu.edu.ua/?page_id=106
Phone number +38 (057) 702-11-86 (3-00)
Science degree, rank, position PhD in Economics, Associate Professor Associate Professor at the Department of Banking and Financial Services
Brief information about the lecturer Author of more than 150 scientific and educational works. Supervisor of students-winners of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers, Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Received a BEC certificate confirming proficiency in English at B2 level. Research interests: financial market; financial consulting, financial marketing.
personal email of the lecture Svitlana.Achkasova@hneu.net