Харківський національний економічний університет імені Семена Кузнеця

Грузіна Інна Анатоліївна

Full name Gruzina Inna Anatoliivna  
Department Management and business
Department location room 703 (library building)
Department site http://www.kmib-hneu.com
Department phone 702-01-46 (add. 2-96)
Academic degree, rank, position PhD in economics, associate professor
Brief information about the lecturer Lecturer has higher education and science degree in economics, practical experience of working at production enterprise. She is author of over 50 scientific and educational publications. Lecturer is interested in зroblems of marketing activity of the company, the organization of marketing management at the enterprise, development of effective organizational structures, improving the functioning of modern organizations
Lecturer’s email gruzinaia@gmail.com